

الزبير بن العوام








د. عمار حواري

Dr. Ammar Hawarey

د. مصعب حواري

Dr. Mosa'b Hawarey


Brief Resume of

Sheikh Dr. Mohammad Hawarey

A group of individuals of the family of (Hawarey) had left Hijaz (i.e. Western Arabian Peninsula) to reside in various parts of Sham Lands (i.e. Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine).

It is a branch of the greater family of Prophet Mohammad SAW, as it is descendent of his cousin (the son of his aunt) Safiyyah the daughter of Abd Al-Mottaleb: Al-Zubeir the son of Al-Awwam, who had taken the title of (Hawarey of the Prophet: His Disciple) during the Battle of Trench.

The Sheikh was born in 1931, descending from the Disciple of the Prophet SAW: Al-Zubeir the son of Al-Awwam, the ancestry of whom meets that of the Prophet SAW at Qusay the son of Kelab: the Master of Quraysh. The aunt of Al-Zubeir was Khadeejah the daughter of Khowayled, his two uncles were Hamza and Al-Abbas, his cousins were Ali (the Caliph) and Jaafer, his father-in-law was Abu Baker (the Caliph), and his son was Abdullah (the Caliph), may Allah SWT be pleased with them all.

While both parents of the Sheikh were Hawarey's, his father Hamed and his only uncle Fares were both martyred during the struggle against colonialism in Sham Lands in 1930's.

The Sheikh joined the Syrian University in Damascus (has been renamed later on to become Damascus University) to graduate with BA in Literature and BA in Education. Later on, he acquired MA and PhD in Comparative Religion and PhD in Tafseer (the unique study of the Holy Quran and its interpretation). While he has published his researches in the field of Comparative Religion as part of his book (Whoever Has A Mind... Must Reflect on These Islamic Researches, in Arabic), his Tafseer research has been published in his book (Call from the Compilation of Rulings, in 2 volumes of 4 parts, in Arabic).

After his graduation from the Syrian University, he spent 30 years in Kuwait, until 1990, working in various fields of professorship, technical and administrative supervision, studies and researches, translation and other intellectual and political activities. During this period, he finished the curriculum of High Diploma in Higher Islamic Studies in Cairo, Egypt. He also authored more than 120 researches in various fields of education, culture, science and communication, in addition to more than one series that were published in Kuwaiti daily and weekly periodicals. Since 1990, he has been living in Sham Lands and has authored multiple books that are advertised on this website all along with the publishers, in Arabic.

For his audio recordings, please check the Audio section on this website, and for his video recordings, please check the Video section on this website.

BOOK 1: Twenty Symposiums and Comments in Explanation and Discussion of Islam Draft Application in Life

BOOK 2: Thirty Symposiums and Comments about the Effects of the Islamic Beliefs and Their Laws on Member and Society

BOOK 3: Comparative Religion.. Religion is Instinctive, Mental, Happiness.. but Which One?


Note 1: Upon the death of the Sheikh on 11 June 2011, we have decided to make his books available free of charge online to be Sadaqa for him.

Note 2: These are the only versions of the Sheikh's books that we recognize; any other version is not binding.

Note 3: In case anyone wants to publish any of the books for profit, we must be contacted first to make arrangements. 

نبذة من سيرة الدكتور
دعوة من جامع الأحكام
الإيمان يغير الإنسان
أئمة الشريعة الإسلامية
لمن كان له عقل
السلام.. إلى أين؟
ولوج المعرفة
القرآن الكريم.. ماذا يقول؟
رحلة النبوة في سلمها وحربها
الميثاق: مقتضيات القيام بأمر دين الله تعالى
International Business Transactions with The Caliphate State




Update: 10 July 2021